Major renovation proposed for 15-acre shopping center in Citrus Heights
Sentinel staff report–
An aging shopping center in Citrus Heights with numerous vacancies could soon get a major face-lift and expansion, if planning commissioners give approval to the owner’s proposal on Wednesday night.
The proposal calls for adding 18,000 square feet to the existing 150,000+ square foot Sunrise Village shopping plaza, located on the northwest corner of Sunrise Boulevard and Madison Avenue. It would include demolition of the former Coco’s Bakery building and construction of a new 5,500-square-foot building with a drive-thru.
If approved, large archway signage branding the center as “Sunrise Village” would also appear across two of the center’s driveways, according to a planning division staff report. The facades of existing buildings would all receive “significant exterior enhancements” that include canopies above walkways, the creation of outdoor patio spaces and modifications to the existing roofline.

The staff report says proposed changes “will significantly enhance the center’s appearance within one of the city’s major shopping centers.” More landscaping, pedestrian pathways and “other associated site improvements” are also described in the report.
In 2017, the Sunrise Village property was purchased by the San Francisco-based Merlone Geier investment company for $25.7 million. The center is currently occupied by Jo-Ann Fabrics, Rite Aid, Benihana, Olive Garden, and several other businesses and restaurants.
A marketing brochure for the property currently shows a dozen vacancies at the center. Recent closures at the center include Coco’s Bakery and a Lyon’s restaurant.
This excerpt was taken with permission from the Citrus Heights Sentinal –