Place Category: Professional Services
Community activists formed Asian Resources in 1980 to address the needs of the Asian newcomer community in Sacramento. Through surveys, interviews and community meetings, the activists recognized that the burgeoning Asian newcomer community had critical needs for job assistance, English classes, youth and senior programs, and health education. In response to the critical needs, the activists operated a youth employment project and health clinic at the Asian Community Center. There they recognized the need for a long-term program focusing on job placement, training, and English-as-a-Second Language classes. As a result, ARI was born.
Throughout its history, Asian Resources has committed itself to serve and respond to the needs of the limited English and low-income communities in Sacramento. Guided by a Board of Directors representing its constituents, Asian Resources has remained committed to hiring its staff from the very community it serves. This ensures a direct and dynamic link between staff and client, agency and community, and a link grounded in empathy and compassion.
Asian Resources was established to connect community members to self-sufficiency. We meet job seeker’s training needs; now, we serve the region’s staffing needs by connecting people to jobs and employers and Asian Resources trains employees through competitive marketing and promotes social inclusion. Our services focus on strengthening the community by promoting a skilled workforce to drive economic growth. Through employment preparation and retention, occupational skills acquisition; career guidance and counseling; and Asian Resources will assist in placing our clients into career opportunities.
Funding for our programs comes from a variety of sources such as grants privately and government-funded, fundraising events and individual contributions.
“This WIOA Title I financially assisted program or activity is an equal opportunity employer/program.
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request individuals with disabilities. Call 711 for relay service”.
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