The SMP PBID was renewed for a 10-year term by city council on Thursday, June 13th. The ballot count closely aligned with our projections, garnering $444,197 in YES votes and $21,926 in NO votes. A total of 34 ballots were returned, comprising 28 YES ballots and 6 NO ballots. We are grateful for our property owners' support in this renewal and extend our appreciation to City Manager Ash Feeney for facilitating a seamless process within the City. Subsequently, our staff will embark on long-term strategic planning for our Marketing, Event, Economic Development, and Clean and Safe programs. Staff is excited to continue to provide services to our property owners over the next ten years!

Cost: The assessment rate (cost to the parcel owner) is based on parcel type and size (Per SQ. Ft.). Retail-zoned parcels are assessed at 0.07 cents per square foot of land, with office-zoned parcels at 0.045 cents.
Renewal Process: SMPPBID can be renewed if it receives signed petitions from property owners who will pay more than 50 percent of the assessments. Please return your signed petition at your earliest convenience. Petitions will be emailed or mailed. You may utilize a digital signature. Once the petition threshold is met, the City will mail ballots to property owners. Please return signed ballots quickly in order for the PBID to
meet its deadline for renewal. If the City receives more YES ballots than NO ballots,
weighted by the amount of assessment, then the Council may vote to approve the
renewal of SMPPBID.
Location: Boundaries are shown on this map
Purpose: The SMPPBID will provide programs such as marketing, events, security,
maintenance, advocacy, and economic development directly and only to assessed
parcels within its boundaries.
Duration: SMPPBID will have a ten-year term, beginning January 1, 2025, and ending
December 31, 2034.
Budget: The initial annual assessment budget will be $882,637.95.

In May 2020, SMP contracted with a full-time CHPD officer. The District’s dedicated police officer patrols the District every Tuesday through Friday for 10 hours daily. This committed patrol has resulted in quicker response times and strategic partnerships with property and business owners, asset protection departments, managers, and employees. In addition to serving as a deterrent, the officer executes crime prevention measures, hardening the business against criminal activity.
Security Services
Porter ServiceNorCal Private SecuritySecurity ServicesSecurity ServicesKEEPING THE DISTRICT CLEAN & SAFE
Additionally, SMP began contracting with NorCal security in October 2021 for armed private security patrols. Hours and contact information can be found at shopsmp.com/security/ NorCal patrols seven days a week, assisting the officer and responding to calls from businesses. They also work to keep the public areas of business clear of camping, loitering and trespassing offenders.
NorCal Private Security
NorCal Private SecurityStats for 2022 & 2023
Arson - 6
Business Clearing/Foot Patrol - 122
Disturbances (violent & non-violent) - 406
Medical - 14
Theft (prevention, recovery & assistance) - 784
Vandalism - 86
Vehicle Incidents - 44
Transient Interactions - 3468
Non-Transient Interactions - 1330
Merchandise Recovered (Jun - Nov 2023) - $63,735

Porter Service Stats 2022 & 2023
Bags of Trash Removed - 1020
Shopping Carts - 1659
Graffiti Removal - 275
Items Removed (Furniture, mattresses, tires, misc.) - 335
In June 2021, SMP contracted with City Wide Property Services, who continues to provide clean-up services to maintain the public right-of-way better. The Porter removes illegally dumped items, homeless camps, and returns abandoned shopping carts, cleans graffiti, and picks up trash. An assigned porter patrols the District Monday through Friday, three hours per day.
Porter Service
Porter Service

SMP has organized the highly successful Brews in the Burbs event every year. The
2024 event garnered over 1.1 million impressions, 10K engagements, over 5K in unique
website visitors, and $20K in paid and in-kind sponsorships. The event, which drew over
700 attendees, has been instrumental in bringing the attention of a new group of
customers to the District, including those from the secondary trade zone.
SMP's continued efforts in digital, print, and radio advertising have effectively promoted
the District and created awareness among businesses. The Holiday headquarters
promotions and the popular Magical Moments holiday experiences have successfully
attracted hundreds of visitors to the District during the fourth quarter. The holiday decor,
such as animated street poles, has enhanced the visitor experience.
SMP's partnership with property and business owners on events throughout the year,
including at popular locations like Pizza Rev, Dos Coyotes, Citrus Town Center,
Marketplace at Birdcage, and Sunrise Mall, has been commendable. These events
have helped to bring the community together and fostered a sense of camaraderie
among the local businesses.
Overall, SMP's efforts have been remarkable in promoting the District and its
businesses, and the success of Brews in the Burbs and other events is a testament to
their hard work and dedication.
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