Sunrise MarketPlace Business Improvement District in collaboration with 101.5 K-Hits will be hosting a drive-thru coin drop for the Carr Fire Victims on Saturday, August 4, 2018, from 8 AM – 11 AM in the Marketplace at Birdcage parking lot near Vitamin Shoppe.
A drive-thru drop-off location will be setup in the Marketplace at Birdcage parking lot, in between the Vitamin Shoppe and the Men’s Wearhouse on Sunrise Blvd in Citrus Heights. Motorists can drive up, roll down their window, drop change in the bucket and be on their way. The donation site will also be accepting cash, checks and gift cards; but will not be accepting any clothing or other physical items as these have not been requested at this time.
All donations will go to the Tri-Counties Bank 2018 Carr Fire Fund. The funds will be distributed to people in need through the United Way of Northern California and local non-profit emergency relief agencies directly serving fire victims with immediate needs. According to Tri-Counties web site, these non-profit organizations have been vetted as trusted and well-managed direct emergency service providers. Funds will be allocated to local agencies based on proportionate need and expected impact.
“Last year we co-hosted a donation drive for the Napa fire victims with 101.5 K-Hits, which was overwhelmingly supported by residents and radio listeners. We look forward to a similar result this year”, said Julie DePrada, Special Events and Projects Coordinator for Sunrise MarketPlace.