The Easter Bunny!
Break out your crayons, markers, or coloring pencils, as it is time for the 2023 Easter Coloring Contest. Brought to you by Sunrise MarketPlace and Sunrise Mall. We would love to see how you make his coloring sheet stand out.

The coloring contest is open to kids 13 years and younger. We will pick two winners at random every Tuesday starting March 28, 2023 to win a $50 gift card to a predetermined store in the Sunrise Mall. We will pick our last two winners on Tuesday, April 18, 2023. Print out your coloring sheet or pick one up at the Sunrise Mall Office. Use only crayons, markers or colored pencils. No paint, glitter, stickers or etc. One entry per child, duplicate entries will be disqualified.
Drop off or mail in your completed coloring sheet to:
Sunrise Mall
Coloring Contest
6166 Sunrise Mall
Citrus Heights, CA 95610
Or you can email your scanned coloring sheet to:
Contest Rules
One Entry Per Child. Contest open to children 13 years and younger. Sunrise Mall and Sunrise MarketPlace are not responsible for lost mail. Entries must be received between March 21st through April 17th. Entries can be dropped off at the Sunrise Mall Office (M-F 11am – 5pm), or Emailed to, or Mail to: Sunrise Mall 6166 Sunrise Mall Citrus Heights, CA 95610. Use only crayons, markers or colored pencils. No paint, glitter, stickers or etc. Two entries will be picked at random weekly. Winners will be picked and notified on the following days: Tuesday, March 28th, 2023, Tuesday, April 4th, 2023, Tuesday, April 11th, 2023, & Tuesday, April 18th, 2023.